Abhishek Bachchan tweeted on his wife Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's Mani Ratnam movie “Ponniyin Selvan 2.” Aishwarya's performance in the film was lauded by Abhishek, although someone advised him to 'allow' her sign more films and take care of their daughter Aaradhya personally instead.
Abhishek expressed his opinion on Ponniyin Selvan 2 by writing, “#PS2 is just FANTASTIC!!! I'm now at a loss for words. I'm very happy. Bravo to the whole cast and crew of #ManiRatnam, @chiyaan, @trishtrashers, @actor_jayamravi, @Karthi_Offl, and everyone else. She is by far the finest, and I am so, so proud of the Mrs.,” he added.
Someone replied to his tweet by writing, “As you should! Allow her to sign more movie deals while you look after Aaradhya. Let her sign?,” Abhishek retorted. She most definitely doesn't need my consent to do anything, sir. particularly something she adores.
Couple's supporters hailed Abhishek for his response. “Well stated, sir. I'm looking forward to seeing both of you in a film as well. A fan said that it would be enjoyable to see Jay and Nandini in a film. Tweet of the day, my guy, said a different person.
The sequel to Mani Ratnam's epic is called Ponniyin Selvan 2. The five-part book series of the same name by Kalki Krishnamurthy is the basis for the movie. Given that this is Aishwarya Rai's major return to Tamil cinema after a long absence, she is astoundingly amazing and gives what is unquestionably a career-best performance, according to Hindustan Times' assessment of the movie. It's difficult to see anybody else in Aishwarya's position because of how well she plays it and how compelling her character is. Aishwarya infuses the movie with so much life, whether it's via her rage-filled eyes or the protracted silences.